39 Plays

26 Jun 2023

in the city i i take a walk all silly empirical critical iricle physical tricycle atypical subliminal methaphore mesclo ethical cerebral legible festival apartate echo airflow mellow narrow memo pueblo ebrio albino rhino psycho showdown hydro putdown pronoun home town lowdown lock down ethica enema minima indica silica minister nebula cabula fistula scrofula fistula supra lacuna berinchuda barracuda aradicle scuba wiggle sickle middle committal bylittle battle esquvating weighting elevating skating rating enervating innovating imitating emulating palabras basicas creativeness meatiness braveness librido graveness namedrops compermiso schizo chistosa papilla sulfa cover upper color for another smother mother stepbrother scaliness discover rather gather latter hammer chatter stammer planner matter state sate straight abate ornate hate plate operate relate debate demo faro narrow modelo ferro faro instigating sparrow taro narrow caballero bracero grifa techno presto pharaoh transas undercover grammar manner furbelow pasagero mica saliva angina messiah tecnica trajica fobica pisa duro suelo nocturno inferno thermo thorough furrow verso vaquero cargo trichina vagina conjunctiva spinal vital idol rival sparrow caballero bolero metro tangelo militia villa lira guerrilla infra vista maxilla sigma differ canvass practice atlas blackness landless madness sadness brackets canvas aztecs risa spinal rival primal vital idle idol sidle arrival tidal plate textos higher stiffer under river visa diva metafetamina urea ina mia angina alcholico deliver inner colagrofia mistico librido libido memo epica pica skiver idle libel bridal matricidal bible lexica tribal dial vinyl endless jealous restless terrace reckless entrance sentence handbarrow lios favorito visor sombra importo striving arising polarizing wiser before supervisor hombre systema organizing uprising sizing surprising televising moralizing for veo eco benga caleta rompe lumbre pasaporte impart impart lejos payrolls more core floor score driving through the empty roads gritty hippie middy torpedo graffito amigo wino primo amino vivo depot gismo ferro faro pharaoh caballero mosquito bonito chemo lino supremo demo echo metro gecko trios winos graffito neo amigo burrito embargo cargo boffo bongo dago morocco macho lago opera fora aurora karma llama drama lava dilemma senna mecca septa vela fiesta rubella operetta vendetta neo negro amino amigo ego wino amino sciatica painkiller support depart smart escort capos sailboats credos dadoes pity gritty committee intercity subcommittee hippie guilty mister chili theory pretty silly villin pretty committee modes loads decodes codes nearly pity solidi pretty really bracero bolero allegro sombrero arriving surviving advising devising indie hidden listed ed listen women written million bars billion serum sketchily involuntarily transistor miller villain kiddie gillie episodes ropes overloads notes copes odes litter popes shit lost in the mental, kidney willy billy fiftyq at Èæ misfit ribbon religion given fixtion fission addition piston vision kingdom fiction inky trillion petition wisdom pinion fiction filler clearer blister sister resistor hipster singer misty telescopes envelopes antelopes boats chilly shifty crispy sixty hilly sickly shinny eerie theory crispy thrify clash filly shrilly bitten mission undersyanding underestemating underwritten division gentle gentle dental rental elemental judgmental governmental incidental incremental supplemental environmental driven conviction prediction restriction position skinny shimmy envision television wrapping monumental excremental judgmental finny synonphony position ambition incision cant sleep in the morning seven eleven informing surely sully sunny fussy gunny sunny minimising many money aiming arming deep brain storming sedition forming performing forging flaming cheap jeep peep affording boarding sporting carping arching delated underated seep deed steep scorching boarding guarding guarding parting sorting snorting dated erritaded unstated exporting departing darting rewarding exhorting forging marching maniging claiming tropicals storming alarming farming morning transforming morning carving hussy sonny awarding electrologist chronicles orisons follicles soreness according marching intoxicants wondering through the city maliphic shitty performing all dirty manifesting power in early saturday anainst universe all the humans fighting LP moving like hooligans throwing severe movments burning up the trash can blowing up strategies in tunnel rumble in fumble tumble humble stumble mumble resemblimg lirics throwing verses against the government chilling in like knockle head looking where to kik it looking for sigarrette over sizing letters writing the market entoxitaded overthinking while im drinking blinking poisen winking unthinking risking clinking tripping out if you see me person stinking winning unblinking passing knolage for a reason in dominiom situation operating separating revolution absolutely excusing revolution dilusion envestigaing confusion comunicating precation spectacle demolision testing chemicals restitution mind collusion putting up resolution anoying if you see me jaming making noise in the erea aiming in the alley exclaiming playing ball like the 90s declaiming recliment outside the garabage roller blading jumping from the roo top 360 breaking skeleton teleton stealing telephones hellow in yellow mellow low i follow skiping class running from the sattlelight shallow from alchohol to methadone sepereating powdrer methaphore before universe from kosmos decimal ineffable legible tenable terrible edible arable ethical medical seminal vegetable me back i stay calm in the car kiking back pentacle wearable amenable in my power devaour against alians terefying in an hour scbating your alarm paranoid 9 clowd hearing voices forcing focesing on the noises outside the pad feeling bad like dad dabing mad manipulating dopemine psychtherapy got me medicated mind of number 16 in america made mecca mega omega delta septa fella thinking how to get a couple beers in the corner hpumping stories by the trash taking hits of a substance puples fulness couscous ryme


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1 year ago

in the city i i take a walk all silly empirical critical iricle physical tricycle atypical subliminal methaphore mesclo ethical cerebral legible festival apartate echo airflow mellow narrow memo pueblo ebrio albino rhino psycho showdown hydro putdown pronoun home town lowdown lock down ethica enema minima indica silica minister nebula cabula fistula scrofula fistula supra lacuna berinchuda barracuda aradicle scuba wiggle sickle middle committal bylittle battle esquvating weighting elevating skating rating enervating innovating imitating emulating palabras basicas creativeness meatiness braveness librido graveness namedrops compermiso schizo chistosa papilla sulfa cover upper color for another smother mother stepbrother scaliness discover rather gather latter hammer chatter stammer planner matter state sate straight abate ornate hate plate operate relate debate demo faro narrow modelo ferro faro instigating sparrow taro narrow caballero bracero grifa techno presto pharaoh transas undercover grammar manner furbelow pasagero mica saliva angina messiah tecnica trajica fobica pisa duro suelo nocturno inferno thermo thorough furrow verso vaquero cargo trichina vagina conjunctiva spinal vital idol rival sparrow caballero bolero metro tangelo militia villa lira guerrilla infra vista maxilla sigma differ canvass practice atlas blackness landless madness sadness brackets canvas aztecs risa spinal rival primal vital idle idol sidle arrival tidal plate textos higher stiffer under river visa diva metafetamina urea ina mia angina alcholico deliver inner colagrofia mistico librido libido memo epica pica skiver idle libel bridal matricidal bible lexica tribal dial vinyl endless jealous restless terrace reckless entrance sentence handbarrow lios favorito visor sombra importo striving arising polarizing wiser before supervisor hombre systema organizing uprising sizing surprising televising moralizing for veo eco benga caleta rompe lumbre pasaporte impart impart lejos payrolls more core floor score driving through the empty roads gritty hippie middy torpedo graffito amigo wino primo amino vivo depot gismo ferro faro pharaoh caballero mosquito bonito chemo lino supremo demo echo metro gecko trios winos graffito neo amigo burrito embargo cargo boffo bongo dago morocco macho lago opera fora aurora karma llama drama lava dilemma senna mecca septa vela fiesta rubella operetta vendetta neo negro amino amigo ego wino amino sciatica painkiller support depart smart escort capos sailboats credos dadoes pity gritty committee intercity subcommittee hippie guilty mister chili theory pretty silly villin pretty committee modes loads decodes codes nearly pity solidi pretty really bracero bolero allegro sombrero arriving surviving advising devising indie hidden listed ed listen women written million bars billion serum sketchily involuntarily transistor miller villain kiddie gillie episodes ropes overloads notes copes odes litter popes shit lost in the mental, kidney willy billy fiftyq at Èæ misfit ribbon religion given fixtion fission addition piston vision kingdom fiction inky trillion petition wisdom pinion fiction filler clearer blister sister resistor hipster singer misty telescopes envelopes antelopes boats chilly shifty crispy sixty hilly sickly shinny eerie theory crispy thrify clash filly shrilly bitten mission undersyanding underestemating underwritten division gentle gentle dental rental elemental judgmental governmental incidental incremental supplemental environmental driven conviction prediction restriction position skinny shimmy envision television wrapping monumental excremental judgmental finny synonphony position ambition incision cant sleep in the morning seven eleven informing surely sully sunny fussy gunny sunny minimising many money aiming arming deep brain storming sedition forming performing forging flaming cheap jeep peep affording boarding sporting carping arching delated underated seep deed steep scorching boarding guarding guarding parting sorting snorting dated erritaded unstated exporting departing darting rewarding exhorting forging marching maniging claiming tropicals storming alarming farming morning transforming morning carving hussy sonny awarding electrologist chronicles orisons follicles soreness according marching intoxicants wondering through the city maliphic shitty performing all dirty manifesting power in early saturday anainst universe all the humans fighting LP moving like hooligans throwing severe movments burning up the trash can blowing up strategies in tunnel rumble in fumble tumble humble stumble mumble resemblimg lirics throwing verses against the government chilling in like knockle head looking where to kik it looking for sigarrette over sizing letters writing the market entoxitaded overthinking while im drinking blinking poisen winking unthinking risking clinking tripping out if you see me person stinking winning unblinking passing knolage for a reason in dominiom situation operating separating revolution absolutely excusing revolution dilusion envestigaing confusion comunicating precation spectacle demolision testing chemicals restitution mind collusion putting up resolution anoying if you see me jaming making noise in the erea aiming in the alley exclaiming playing ball like the 90s declaiming recliment outside the garabage roller blading jumping from the roo top 360 breaking skeleton teleton stealing telephones hellow in yellow mellow low i follow skiping class running from the sattlelight shallow from alchohol to methadone sepereating powdrer methaphore before universe from kosmos decimal ineffable legible tenable terrible edible arable ethical medical seminal vegetable me back i stay calm in the car kiking back pentacle wearable amenable in my power devaour against alians terefying in an hour scbating your alarm paranoid 9 clowd hearing voices forcing focesing on the noises outside the pad feeling bad like dad dabing mad manipulating dopemine psychtherapy got me medicated mind of number 16 in america made mecca mega omega delta septa fella thinking how to get a couple beers in the corner hpumping stories by the trash taking hits of a substance puples fulness couscous ryme

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