
I suck butt

I suck butt

9 Plays


11 months ago


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Keep pushing and grinding until you reach the top


11 months ago

What it is @bpmlyricallord, We appreciate you sharing 'I suck butt', here's the good and the bad of uploading tracks on Rap Fame! 1. Practise πŸ™ - If you don't get it first time, no worries, you can always give it another go! 2. Remember to be true to yourself - authenticity always makes the best tracks! πŸ’― 3. Your tracks would be of much greater quality if you use headphones next time. 🎧 4. Try using some of our vocal FX (ft. Autotune!) to spice up your next track! 5. If you liked this, we have a whole library with more Masterclasses for you to try! There's even difficult difficulties for you as you progress. πŸ’― We'd love to hear some tracks from you in the future! πŸ™Œ All the best, The Rap Fame team 😎

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