26 Plays

01 Jun 2023

Pick up the pen, Write down the lyrics that Come from your head Straight from the heart. Even the Best rappers ever had to Start Somewhere, Very far from the end. So pick up the pen. Write down the lyrics that Come to your mind. If you’re not serious, then You may never find The voice inside So once again, Yo pick up the pen. Come on let's get smashed notes if you were riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz resume this device reminder no prescription refills pro health public data versus security number 9 same with the telephone numberpsych online email email My name is Friday don't exist close on major holidays especially those that you know by hearthis is ABC holler back at the ACC 80D measurement again Leah you say I'm not real n***** I said not know how much it is Big Brother


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Pick up the pen, Write down the lyrics that Come from your head Straight from the heart. Even the Best rappers ever had to Start Somewhere, Very far from the end. So pick up the pen. Write down the lyrics that Come to your mind. If you’re not serious, then You may never find The voice inside So once again, Yo pick up the pen. Come on let's get smashed notes if you were riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz riz resume this device reminder no prescription refills pro health public data versus security number 9 same with the telephone numberpsych online email email My name is Friday don't exist close on major holidays especially those that you know by hearthis is ABC holler back at the ACC 80D measurement again Leah you say I'm not real n***** I said not know how much it is Big Brother

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