146 Plays

26 May 2023

disappeared after you had finished his search he returned to the girls mother she gone he said flatly the woman noted and suddenly her Facebook into a smile the tears replaced by a strange peaceful look her angel has come back to help me how else do you explain this tanner shook his head slowly he had no answering he had no answer for the woman he walked home slowly the night pondering the impossible and wandering about life he had been gifted with the knowledge of medicine and knowledge that often meant the difference between life and death in a patient yet there was not there was so much he did not know so much he would never understanding this life years later he would tell the story about the littlest killed who although dead more than a month had somehow summoned him from his home to help her dying mother and he would still feel the same sense of amazement he had that cold wintery evening although there was no earthly exclamation for what had happened that night in the Boston he believed in his heart that the woman had been right the girl must have been an angel the littlest one of all beliefs to you believed to do you believe truth do you believe do you believe true do you believe truel happens in the middle Tomorrow you 1 2 bones come for you three full battery lock your door 560 better cruise your tricks 78 never player hate 9 and again don't never count past the dead Make p I enjoy living life in the honorable moment when I'm the only one the entire world must revolve around hold it you can come component I've been calling all of your wipes you won't let them go smoke and dope when you get a chance talking about faith in the hope blowing dances instead of holding the wall up where you was doing fine you stood up and got in line little did you know the line that you're in has been stood in for so long that the line doesn't bend it's an actual straight line here you look at yourself you're bending and turning and curving and ripping around like I said in the very beginning the beginning was the very end and all of these lines actually started the beginning and stay in that straight exact form because there's no one better or better than the aisle I can't mention as far as I know there isn't any higher or more expensive ticket that I'll ever buy that is worth more than the value that I will get from visiting my icon hero I don't artist super star cuz I'm a super fan and all I got to do is waiting this line forever and I'll get me a ticket sitting in the back road have a good time and kicking it not tipping out on anybody else because the real world is over and the new life I'm living it here in the back of this studio stadium ARK cedar last dance for men it's a beautiful man handstand dance burning management slow ly crazy the way I can make sense out of anything at all just send it my way and maybe maybe the day will be over in an instant if you're crazy enough you will call me beautiful and wish on a list instead of blowing kisses into the wind because the wind wants to spit on your fish and when you're eating your fish don't forget that the scales are only part of what I left behind in this world hell at me I declare that we ain't partially agreeable all this degree what's it called irreconcilable differences is what would everything everything only up to me I'm sure agreements and and and what's the other one now I'm not you are cuz you don't know what the f*** that is talking about and even right now whatever your body is spoken whatever he said you don't want to study that you sit you're riding God's dick get the f*** off God's dick you got to dick you you b**** you know f****** don't want to sing the names I'm talking names you shut the f****** ready the one saying names know what another one that's still using English you that's what the f*** I'm talking to you shut the f****** ready you need to shut the f****** ready you need to stop in the f****** mouth right now I swear to God and that's how you use God voice god powe🐋🦐🥡


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