Teely #FreeCovers #FeatureMe🙄
Teely #FreeCovers #FeatureMe🙄

EXCLUSIVE: STAR67 (Proud Family)

EXCLUSIVE: STAR67 (Proud Family)

333 Plays

12 months ago

IM 6FT 7 / *67 = Private Call Don't be "Childish", if you want it you can have it (Childish Gambino - Redbone reference) In this track, the artist is all about their grind and making their family proud. They use wordplay and references to characters from the Proud Family show and Drake the rapper. Here's the breakdown: The line "On me, on me" sets the tone, highlighting their determination and confidence. They won't let their father down and aim to go from being broke ("Penny") to achieving great success ("Oscar"), which is a play on the names of the main characters in the Proud Family show. The artist emphasizes that they're doing their own thing and not caring about what others have to say. If anyone has a problem with them, they should go and talk it out. It's about staying true to themselves and not getting caught up in unnecessary drama. Now, the reference to "Sugar momma" indicates someone who provides for the artist and indulges in the good life, similar to the character Sugar Mama from the Proud Family show. The line about her eating instead of spitting out the treats is a metaphor for fully enjoying the luxuries without holding back. The mention of not seeing her until next week suggests that she's living a busy and extravagant lifestyle, perhaps like Sugar Mama's character, who was often portrayed as a high-profile figure. The artist talks about recording on their phone ("celly") but keeping their face out of the camera, capturing the vibe of Wizard Kelly, a character from the Proud Family show. Wizard Kelly was known for his distinctive voice and often kept his face hidden or turned away from the camera. It's like they're maintaining a mysterious and enigmatic persona while making moves and dropping fire tracks. When they mention "mob like Drake," it refers to Drake, the Canadian rapper known for his massive popularity and fan base. It's a reference to the way Drake attracts a large following, indicating that the artist wants to have a similar level of influence and support. The line about riding a "rhyme bus" means they're flowing effortlessly with their lyrics, expressing their creativity and skill. While others may have achieved "diamond" status in their careers, the artist aims for an even higher level of success represented by a "rhombus," a geometric shape with more sides. Lastly, there's a wordplay with "boogie" (booger) and "sinus" (sign us), which may refer to the irony that people want to dance and have a good time ("boogie") but aren't willing to support or acknowledge the artist's talent ("sign us"). So, this track combines wordplay, references to characters from the Proud Family show, and Drake the rapper. It's a mix of ambition, confidence, and lyrical creativity that pays homage to these iconic figures and showcases the artist's unique style #STAR67 #6FT7 #rapfame_official #rapfame_ar_team #HOT #NEW #AIdescription #ExclusiveTeely recorded this when I was in Cloud9..


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SERIOUSLY CONFUSED as with all your likes and comments and based on the "way features are determined" this also didn't get a feature... hmmmm 🤔

12 months ago

Gas ⛽️

DOPE 🍀 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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