Holy RAFF 220
Holy RAFF 220

Spice Talk (20:23:07)

Spice Talk (20:23:07)

23 Plays

21 Apr 2023


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good job keep them coming nice word play..

1 year ago

Hey @holyraff220! Thanks for sharing 'Spice Talk (20:23:07)' with us! 💥 Here are a couple tips: 1. Use multiple vocal tracks to add some extra power to your flows. 2. Some eye-catching cover art can draw new people to your music! 🎇 3. The setting makes the song - make sure you're in a quiet place while recording in the Rap Fame Studio & make sure you use headphones for that crisp and clear quality! 4. There are some nice effects in our mobile studio, like Autotune and Reverb. Why don't you try them? 5. Now you've done your first track, get some feedback from established judges on how to improve through Judge 4 Judge! 💎 Try joining a crew to build with other artists, we hope you share your music with the Rap Fame Community again! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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