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Hey @bpmicy.8845746 we liked your track 'Life is Hard (18:20:15)', We're so happy you're joining the Rap Fame Community, so here's a couple tips from us: 1. Practice makes perfect! Keep working on those flows, and you'll be a pro in no time. 🌊 2. Once you find a good recording set up, stick with it! Rapping is all about consistency, try and apply this to every level of your music! 3. Make sure to use headphones to improve the sound of your track. 🎧 4. Try adding some of our built in audio effects which could really help boost this track! 5. We think you're ready to create your own track! Try recording in the Rap Fame studio, we're excited to hear what you come up with 🎵 Keep perfecting your sound, we'd love to hear you progress on your musical journey! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎
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