


8 Plays

01 Apr 2023

infinity there are so many words give me one hmmm there is the whatch whatch catch patch latch match snatch another one like ... I don't know whatever like ike hike tike jellylike strike there are so many different names and every single person or thing has a name and every name has infinity of rhymes so please give me a name ok so we got decline decline line fine zine tine supine when you think don't you understand that in the reality you are thinking of infinity of names


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1 year ago

infinity there are so many words give me one hmmm there is the whatch whatch catch patch latch match snatch another one like ... I don't know whatever like ike hike tike jellylike strike there are so many different names and every single person or thing has a name and every name has infinity of rhymes so please give me a name ok so we got decline decline line fine zine tine supine when you think don't you understand that in the reality you are thinking of infinity of names

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