
19 Plays

25 Mar 2023

life ray and claude two men met at a restaurant one Smart one not dum but not as smart as Claude one taken one single and ray likes music he bout to go listen to a single year 1940 getting the 🔫 pointing at them because they black ok sheriff beats up black guy black guy cuts pike face.pike stabs the man the man starts walking then falls right into Claude's shirt the cops came arrested them was sentence to life now they gotta do all these years but claude.has confidents ray doesn't a long time later they meet cookie can't get Right and raido and a lot more they all friends but then one of them was shot so now they all sad they ready for revenge then the good day comes up can't get right gets released but not the rest including ray and claude then they get old after 40 years Claude has a good membery sees pike remember his face and then tells ray ray hit pike with the gun cock it and the new sheriff killed pike now they're satisfied now the new sherif said I'll sing y'all release papers then the new sheriff died on the toilet right before he can sign now they gotta do longer after 65 years they finally escape and enjoyd they life


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1 year ago


1 year ago

life ray and claude two men met at a restaurant one Smart one not dum but not as smart as Claude one taken one single and ray likes music he bout to go listen to a single year 1940 getting the 🔫 pointing at them because they black ok sheriff beats up black guy black guy cuts pike face.pike stabs the man the man starts walking then falls right into Claude's shirt the cops came arrested them was sentence to life now they gotta do all these years but claude.has confidents ray doesn't a long time later they meet cookie can't get Right and raido and a lot more they all friends but then one of them was shot so now they all sad they ready for revenge then the good day comes up can't get right gets released but not the rest including ray and claude then they get old after 40 years Claude has a good membery sees pike remember his face and then tells ray ray hit pike with the gun cock it and the new sheriff killed pike now they're satisfied now the new sherif said I'll sing y'all release papers then the new sheriff died on the toilet right before he can sign now they gotta do longer after 65 years they finally escape and enjoyd they life

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