
Lord I Need You 🤍

Lord I Need You 🤍

6 Plays

23 Mar 2023

Aye lord im crying out to you Aye Lord im crying out to you getting out of my head and mental blockages and the wrong belief systems i pick up the bible and get into the word of god because he breathes life into my fruitfulness he shifts me into productivity and great progress im releasing the angels to clear the atmosphere i call you now to stir up every gift, and skill i silence every tongue that rises against me into judgment the power of jesus blood that cleanses and speaks Lord i need your cleanses, check my heart and my mind anything that isnt of you, be gone Lord i cry out to you, i cant rely on my strength Lord i need the gift of the power from your holy spirit to let me be holy and righteousness loving and kind satan has no power i said satan has no power Lord i cry out to you, because i need you every second, every minute, every hour, through out the day In. my weakness, your strength is perfect you purify my soul and spirit Lord i cry out to you, Because you are my true father and you take good care of me anything i go through lord you are my strength and my go to aye lord i cry out to you they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint the lord my God is my strength he is my risen King its no longer I but Christ in me no longer boasting in my weakness but boasting in my Lord Let your kingdom come and your will be done

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