Black Cloud

Black Cloud

32 Plays

20 Mar 2023

here lately all I feel is doubt trapped inside this box and I can’t get out. these Chains they bind me and they keep me down I try to flee but I’m forever bound I ask for help but there’s no one around I seek out council from my loved ones but they only see my inadequacy’s And I’m helpless in the face of they’re doubts and greed when I finally taste freedom I just get tracked down by this cloud above me looming looking down on all my prospects it showers lonley spout’s I have a family ,but there’s few who care Sprinting fast but getting nowhere my goals and dreams they are so hard to reach the closer I get the further away they seem don’t know the difference between the gloom and glee this black cloud towers over me and in my mind I’m a tube of ink no pureness left just shattered hopes and broken dreams all my efforts seem to be in vane it’s hard to live inside this black rain the pain it grows and grows inside my brain my heart beats but yet it’s so faint I try and fail and then I try again But try as I may I know that I can’t escape these chains are heavy but yet I feel no weight I’m trapped inside this box alone the burden is to great I carry far to much for one man to take I’m so numb to the stress but yet my body akes it hurts until the pain just fades my sight is looming past an empty scape trapped in here I look for ways to make ,the anxiety go away but the way I feel just gets in the way it’s only me and my pain is great an awful feeling so hard to take I need a break no body sees what I truly need And those around refuse to comfort me so I’ll always be alone dispite all those I have to hold I just hope my daughter knows how hard I try I’ve lied awake although my tears are dry I cannot cry because a man must be strong, I’ve been here all along I write these songs as a way to help. but the pressure builds it’s hard to fight against one’s self and my persona seems to melt . I’m sober now but I’ve only felt the earge to belt my arm a jam a needle so deep that I spin out of control so far that there would be no saving me not this time cuz it could only mean one thing and that’s the death of me But the probability of me doing such a thing is still slim but as the hour passes it only gets closer to the grim fate that I await can’t tell if there is greener pastures in my wake and as I wait I begin to see I’ve only been blinded by greed I feed a need of self gratification as I beg and plead for the lord to save me from these evils that plague me they’ve seased control of my every aspiration every goal that I’m makin’ I will never bow to satin but I’m always prayin that somethin’s changin I’m still waitin for the day that I become the man that I’m soposed to be and best the emptiness controlling me I still know I hold the key to prosperity I just hope I find the door I need then one day I can help those in need so when you have no body to talk to at least you can listen to me and maybe my struggles can set you free


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1 year ago

here lately all I feel is doubt trapped inside this box and I can’t get out. these Chains they bind me and they keep me down I try to flee but I’m forever bound I ask for help but there’s no one around I seek out council from my loved ones but they only see my inadequacy’s And I’m helpless in the face of they’re doubts and greed when I finally taste freedom I just get tracked down by this cloud above me looming looking down on all my prospects it showers lonley spout’s I have a family ,but there’s few who care Sprinting fast but getting nowhere my goals and dreams they are so hard to reach the closer I get the further away they seem don’t know the difference between the gloom and glee this black cloud towers over me and in my mind I’m a tube of ink no pureness left just shattered hopes and broken dreams all my efforts seem to be in vane it’s hard to live inside this black rain the pain it grows and grows inside my brain my heart beats but yet it’s so faint I try and fail and then I try again But try as I may I know that I can’t escape these chains are heavy but yet I feel no weight I’m trapped inside this box alone the burden is to great I carry far to much for one man to take I’m so numb to the stress but yet my body akes it hurts until the pain just fades my sight is looming past an empty scape trapped in here I look for ways to make ,the anxiety go away but the way I feel just gets in the way it’s only me and my pain is great an awful feeling so hard to take I need a break no body sees what I truly need And those around refuse to comfort me so I’ll always be alone dispite all those I have to hold I just hope my daughter knows how hard I try I’ve lied awake although my tears are dry I cannot cry because a man must be strong, I’ve been here all along I write these songs as a way to help. but the pressure builds it’s hard to fight against one’s self and my persona seems to melt . I’m sober now but I’ve only felt the earge to belt my arm a jam a needle so deep that I spin out of control so far that there would be no saving me not this time cuz it could only mean one thing and that’s the death of me But the probability of me doing such a thing is still slim but as the hour passes it only gets closer to the grim fate that I await can’t tell if there is greener pastures in my wake and as I wait I begin to see I’ve only been blinded by greed I feed a need of self gratification as I beg and plead for the lord to save me from these evils that plague me they’ve seased control of my every aspiration every goal that I’m makin’ I will never bow to satin but I’m always prayin that somethin’s changin I’m still waitin for the day that I become the man that I’m soposed to be and best the emptiness controlling me I still know I hold the key to prosperity I just hope I find the door I need then one day I can help those in need so when you have no body to talk to at least you can listen to me and maybe my struggles can set you free

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