


11 Plays

13 Mar 2023


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2 years ago

What's up @nightmare.8506362, Thanks for the sharing 'maskoff ', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. Use the volume mixer to adjust the levels of your beat and vocal to find the best mix for your track! 🎛 2. Some eye-catching cover art can draw new people to your music! 🎇 3. Your track could really benefit from a headset to improve the recording quality! 🎧 4. Rap Fame defo has some powerful effects 🚀 Keep using 'em, but remember less can be more when it comes to the mixing stage! 5. The track here is way too short, send us a longer track so we can help you improve! 6. Try entering one of our weekly contests for the chance at winning the $500 grand prize! 🥇 Submit more for feedback from us and community to see how you're progressing! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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