GUICE YALL is Mr.CrayOla
GUICE YALL is Mr.CrayOla

against the grain (Django)

against the grain (Django)

94 Plays

04 Mar 2023

🎶⬆️Django chains are broken ⬆️JenGo. busy chasing. Doe ⬆️wen. Tru ‘. see. Color show. ⬆️Against Grain. Feel. grow Django chains are broken only jkl’in Change Pay gold Django soldier Road Sought off leg. Shot got blow. 🎬Movies Playing Tatian. Newest shit. Take a rap, Gulp Show judisis. says 🎬Evil and suit he’s in “ red, white and blue and it Call itIt/ see it,, color skin confusing ‘M 🎬“ what a doozy ‘ duty’ choose’ do “‘ run through anyone rules “””over humans. 🎬“ salute barrel, loaded Many. men want U low/ behold 🎶⬆️ Django chains are broken


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🎶⬆️Django chains are broken ⬆️JenGo. busy chasing. Doe ⬆️wen. Tru ‘. see. Color show. ⬆️Against Grain. Feel. grow Django chains are broken only jkl’in Change Pay gold Django soldier Road Sought off leg. Shot got blow. 🎬Movies Playing Tatian. Newest shit. Take a rap, Gulp Show judisis. says 🎬Evil and suit he’s in “ red, white and blue and it Call itIt/ see it,, color skin confusing ‘M 🎬“ what a doozy ‘ duty’ choose’ do “‘ run through anyone rules “””over humans. 🎬“ salute barrel, loaded Many. men want U low/ behold 🎶⬆️ Django chains are broken

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