Alien(but better

Alien(but better


Have you ever felt left out a group picture when you knew you should’ve been a shooting light show me to do it go to Ronan right but what people are so damn crewing bless the respectable you never get to get the girl expect to get rejected neglected and to let you know that you’re a poo poo dog. Never be best in show, so why do you abuse cause all bully needs is a fucking excuse planet earth I need a friend because I’m looking from the outside. I’m an alien. Yes I am an alien. Oh feeling lost but never found into a by myself. Getting pushed around. I’m an alien. Yes, I’m an alien. Oh, I’m in alien.


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Have you ever felt left out a group picture when you knew you should’ve been a shooting light show me to do it go to Ronan right but what people are so damn crewing bless the respectable you never get to get the girl expect to get rejected neglected and to let you know that you’re a poo poo dog. Never be best in show, so why do you abuse cause all bully needs is a fucking excuse planet earth I need a friend because I’m looking from the outside. I’m an alien. Yes I am an alien. Oh feeling lost but never found into a by myself. Getting pushed around. I’m an alien. Yes, I’m an alien. Oh, I’m in alien.

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