Bazooka Bazooka - Abstract Art 140bpm Gminor - remastered

Bazooka Bazooka - Abstract Art 140bpm Gminor - remastered


My Prayer for Friday Freddy. Jesus is going to deliver him. I have the faith that Jesus asks for, and he said all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. But hold up, man, my faith is moving mountains, man.. I pray God answers this prayer and heals his heart because he deserves to experience everything God has planned for his life. if I had the chance for him to hear this song and read this message, I'd tell him. I don't have the answers to everything cause I'm not God. But, one day He is going to wipe away every single tear that falls when you get to see Jesus and as you stand before Him. I do want to tell you though that I don't know what you went through but God made you a survivor through it all and you have experienced that side of the world so that you can spread your message of how Jesus delivered you. However He chooses to do so. I pray that your testimony will go through the world into the darkest parts of the world so that those that need to hear it will hear it and God will open their eyes and ears and they will see and seek the Lord, and so they will hear and seek His voice. I pray Psalm 91 over this man that you created, Lord, that you put a lot of love and time into creating every detail about this person. I ask that you show him it's not over yet. God, I know you will show up to him on time because you are always on time and you are never late. I pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Let it be done. Amen. 🙏


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My Prayer for Friday Freddy. Jesus is going to deliver him. I have the faith that Jesus asks for, and he said all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed. But hold up, man, my faith is moving mountains, man.. I pray God answers this prayer and heals his heart because he deserves to experience everything God has planned for his life. if I had the chance for him to hear this song and read this message, I'd tell him. I don't have the answers to everything cause I'm not God. But, one day He is going to wipe away every single tear that falls when you get to see Jesus and as you stand before Him. I do want to tell you though that I don't know what you went through but God made you a survivor through it all and you have experienced that side of the world so that you can spread your message of how Jesus delivered you. However He chooses to do so. I pray that your testimony will go through the world into the darkest parts of the world so that those that need to hear it will hear it and God will open their eyes and ears and they will see and seek the Lord, and so they will hear and seek His voice. I pray Psalm 91 over this man that you created, Lord, that you put a lot of love and time into creating every detail about this person. I ask that you show him it's not over yet. God, I know you will show up to him on time because you are always on time and you are never late. I pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Let it be done. Amen. 🙏

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