Red Lotus ent
Red Lotus ent

Slutten and gluten

Slutten and gluten

37 Plays

11 Feb 2023

100 💯 💯 i keep my alchemy 💯 💯 💯 and my mindset 110 110 over 💯 heart rate excelerated and celebrating the mass of electrodes, electricfying and intentionally intensifying, the the destination thats testimonies to the inflation evaluation of positive or negative insuations so alienatic from the planet zeupiter came down in a lighting bolt, me and the lil boy blue man on the moon floated in on aquilius winds and haties flame with hailies kiss, daddies lil monster woke up a sleeping jolly green giant,)hulk amash) oha oha oha oha noah aloha trappahannocka Valhalla valhalla you dont know a a bitch and a hoe like me loki loki loki, jokey jokey jokey i keep it up long and strong lika lika donkey, well these other niggas doing bumps for the mumpy, looking like motha fucka goddamn gutter sluts of swamp house junkies, hey hey hey im curious George lika lika jauna in jairus cut the shit they will be fucking around and buring yah yah yah death gotsa lika nazi watch that bitch go off and maria yah mary yah+2 no nobody know, dont no body know notta damn ass thing, except for the wise, and those in the paper and pen, zeus to hades yang to zen (hi chi cuang my name is ben ben franky lynn you need to drink more chin gen chi for oxygen, wan tan finga bang ching sucky sucky my ding dong kongie) very thicka and longie,) texas size bitch lika hey hey hey, (hoooo squad vrook vrook vrook) hype that bitch work that hoe put the bro bro back to work, well my cuttie buddies chocolate nutty wafer slutty, cuttie cutting bird man bird man im bird man, the vulture of my culture, i will climb thru your ass lil trick and eat you inside a.t.m annie m auntie n, Eminem, and fly out yer belly button lika phonix rising in the air with your guts in my beak holding them, chica chica slim shady, i called satan, so you lil bitch as hoe, you and i can start dating, and i will spit my gum and stick i to your gaishiend, and push your ass end( we gotta get red lotus outta that bush hiding holding his dick rapping at imem,im pretty sure thats the gayest shit ive have ever seen man,) i lova i lova i lova i lova him long long time, im the valentine kid, stan


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1 year ago

100 💯 💯 i keep my alchemy 💯 💯 💯 and my mindset 110 110 over 💯 heart rate excelerated and celebrating the mass of electrodes, electricfying and intentionally intensifying, the the destination thats testimonies to the inflation evaluation of positive or negative insuations so alienatic from the planet zeupiter came down in a lighting bolt, me and the lil boy blue man on the moon floated in on aquilius winds and haties flame with hailies kiss, daddies lil monster woke up a sleeping jolly green giant,)hulk amash) oha oha oha oha noah aloha trappahannocka Valhalla valhalla you dont know a a bitch and a hoe like me loki loki loki, jokey jokey jokey i keep it up long and strong lika lika donkey, well these other niggas doing bumps for the mumpy, looking like motha fucka goddamn gutter sluts of swamp house junkies, hey hey hey im curious George lika lika jauna in jairus cut the shit they will be fucking around and buring yah yah yah death gotsa lika nazi watch that bitch go off and maria yah mary yah+2 no nobody know, dont no body know notta damn ass thing, except for the wise, and those in the paper and pen, zeus to hades yang to zen (hi chi cuang my name is ben ben franky lynn you need to drink more chin gen chi for oxygen, wan tan finga bang ching sucky sucky my ding dong kongie) very thicka and longie,) texas size bitch lika hey hey hey, (hoooo squad vrook vrook vrook) hype that bitch work that hoe put the bro bro back to work, well my cuttie buddies chocolate nutty wafer slutty, cuttie cutting bird man bird man im bird man, the vulture of my culture, i will climb thru your ass lil trick and eat you inside a.t.m annie m auntie n, Eminem, and fly out yer belly button lika phonix rising in the air with your guts in my beak holding them, chica chica slim shady, i called satan, so you lil bitch as hoe, you and i can start dating, and i will spit my gum and stick i to your gaishiend, and push your ass end( we gotta get red lotus outta that bush hiding holding his dick rapping at imem,im pretty sure thats the gayest shit ive have ever seen man,) i lova i lova i lova i lova him long long time, im the valentine kid, stan

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