sick mind

85 Plays


20 Jan 2023

sit back and listen to my sick sick mind you gunna find it to be so so dark watch who you bark at cuz we might just hit back my mind races like need for speed i got the need to feed off your soul eat your guts like a bowl of cereal killer thriller flick my bic and light the fuse i ain't here to amuse or entertain am here for the pain and suffering chuckling like Chucky chuck chukling haha you wanna come out and play am looking for new souls everyday and anger waves through my vians and am kans prodigy hed be so proud of me cuz killing for me is fun and fun is killing me something inside of me is killing me slowly deteriorating me and am awaiting to see what monster will surface outta me theres a purpose this monster wants to comeoutta me its so he can start devoring all my inecent pray and when i knock at your door youd better pray cuz if you.... sit back and listen to my sick sick mind you gunna find it to be so so dark watch who you bark at cuz we might just hit back mentally am unstable physically you wouldn't see that side of me so take a ride with me in the darkest part of the woods were false hood awaits and youll be headed to the golden gates cuz i got the taste for human flesh and i wont rest until every last bit of you is devoured its my hour my time too feed off your flesh until you draw your last breath gotta eat quick i like my meat fresh stright raw bloody as hell like a pussy on the rag your family wont know theyll think you playyed hookey from school and ill wash the blood off your skin with a washrag and drag you to my operating table my hands are unstable a bit i must have the perfect line down the center of this perfect little skin ill grab the needle and thread and ill sow into mine and ill work with perfection until i perfect your life and when your familys comfortable ill slit there throats with this knife and itll be wise to hide the boddies but my favorite hobbie is to.. sit back and listen to my sick sick mind you gunna find it to be so so dark watch who you bark at cuz we might just hit back


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11 months ago

Amazing πŸ’Ž

Bars: Great πŸŽ‰ Delivery: Great πŸŽ‰ Impression: Great πŸŽ‰

2 years ago

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

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