More Than Ever
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14 Jan 2023

won't be no cow tippin, aint no bull spittin, we n the land of the pig skin punt/ limited admission, seasonal condition, runnin down time as time runs up/ isn't it ironically enough/ that I'll never make it, if I have to fake it, I'm on the front line, cuz I don't front/ get thee behind or under my foot/ at the speed of lightning, the thunder will hit first/ I am describing Ambush in reverse/set out to kill, then ask questions at church/ diluted solution, a mixure of hurt / running in blind, what you don't know hurts/ what you don't know, and won't see coming, hurts worse/ build up your sense n sensibility first./ there's someone hungrier, to call on your bluff/ eat you for breakfast Reese's Puffs/ running up the time, as your running down on your lucc/ realizing now, you're the one that you can't trust/ mistaken for clutch/ simpleton moves, didn't follow your gut/ four, three, two, by the end, only one/ ticket to ride out the craz of the storm/ I'll push you in, two thumbs up, if it's warm/ Truth in it already, no bathing suit on/ prestigious in practice perfection of form/ production of passion, brings peace to my home. / The only thing I seek out, are ways to transform/ a proper remold, to the depths of my core./ honoring God, with the breath of my word./ no encrypted messages, lessons to forward/ Make self less so you can get more/ now more than ever a need than before #proper#word#chaseranitupbeats#barzonly#agang#aIV23


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11 months ago



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