I got the Juice (19:23:25)

I got the Juice (19:23:25)


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1 year ago

Bars: Nice 🌟 Delivery: On point 🎯 Impression: On point 🎯

1 year ago

What's up @samailamoussa742, Thanks for the sharing 'I got the Juice (19:23:25)', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. If you're not sure on your next post, save to your drafts and come back to it later! 2. Some eye-catching cover art can draw new people to your music! 🎇 3. The setting makes the song - make sure you're in a quiet place while recording in the Rap Fame Studio & make sure you use headphones for that crisp and clear quality! 4. We have a bunch of options to really add to your track, try using some effects on your vocals next time! 5. Try using our denoise feature to reduce the background noise from your device! 6. The track here is way too short, send us a longer track so we can help you improve! Keep uploading tracks for the chance to be added to our editors Playlists! 🔥 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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