5 oh 3

53 Plays

10 Jan 2023

Anything is convenient, Or easy to say when you're paid to say it. And if they are paid to speak it. Why (do you) believe it? Would you believe the words From a poor man's lips? When He speaks or when he spoke? Or are you callin him a joke. As you scrolling thru your phone On your way back home. You screamin 'I'm woke'' but you snoring Yeah, you out cold Super borin', wack as fuck Every word you say As got me going' fast sleep. Cuz Your bars are weak, Like you've been drinkin Everyday for the whole week. Like you're anonymous Around a bunch of alcoholics. Better hide your wallets Cause money seems to be the only thing we care about. Why is that? It's just material that you empower. Isn't that like Christianity and the figure of Christ? Jesus, woe to the Pharsees and the Pharmacies That are poisoning all of the people with lies That they disguise in a velvet tie. It's okay to question, why. And don't let others tell your otherwise. When did we go from fuckin' great To average and just a normal standard? I'm a fucking rebel to the bone And all these loose idealist have got me Scratching like a drug addict Cause what I was once all about Is now the thing I am fight against. And if you wonder why that is Just ask and I'll give you And answer from what I've seen And if you disagree it's okay We see life from different Points of view, let's meet in the middle And change the world to something We can reconize


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1 year ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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