3 Plays

06 Jan 2023

LIGBT LIGBT One day I was just minding my own business an this person would up to me an say that I was looking fresh so I say thanks an would awa this person keep following me an so I turn around an tell it to leave me alone and then it an it tells me that they will talk to me so i say first of all leave me alone and you don't demand that you are going to talk with me I see so I called me sqode an thay pop up so I was wap wap wap wap wap wap wap so I sprinted LIGBT LIGBT


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1 year ago

LIGBT LIGBT One day I was just minding my own business an this person would up to me an say that I was looking fresh so I say thanks an would awa this person keep following me an so I turn around an tell it to leave me alone and then it an it tells me that they will talk to me so i say first of all leave me alone and you don't demand that you are going to talk with me I see so I called me sqode an thay pop up so I was wap wap wap wap wap wap wap so I sprinted LIGBT LIGBT

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