HunterDagger 🗡
HunterDagger 🗡

Bullies (Gotta keep going)

Bullies (Gotta keep going)

86 Plays

30 Dec 2022

I remember it all like it was yesterday the name calling, the teasing, the beatings I could've died bleeding the whole school, the teachers, the kids hated me always found ways to degrade me they put a collar around my neck and walked me like a dog down the halls. everyone laughed and pointed, and no one ever tried to stop it I didn't either because it was way better than what they would've done if I hadn't done it they stole my books, stole my stuff, I lied all the time they called my bluff that's why they did it. so no one would believe me. I hated writing, journaling, doing artwork I failed art class because my teacher refused to take my work instead of putting it on my tray you know that my classmates would go into it and destroy my work so I'd get a bad grade yeah, I never had it made memories will never fade sometimes you're treated badly all you have is you eating lunch in the bathroom im better than they'll ever be im a survivor just like all my family tree it's like we were born not to fit in you gotta keep going take the weight that's on your shoulders and keep towing keep that boat rowing when they knock you down, keep growing so many days I just wanted to pass away thought of suicide daily but I didn't want them to win my life was in the trash bin like in bowling I would get hit falling pins reminded daily of my sins God would hate me for being gay and I'd believe it


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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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