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Saved By Christ

Saved By Christ

4 Plays

25 Dec 2022

we don't celebrate Christmas as Christians cus the word never gave us an exact date to when Christ was born so put on a set of horns then and be friends with the Devil Santa Claus and presents are not given to GOD'S children we celebrate every day a new chance to change and be risen from graves by the grace of his name made flames become water to your flesh no guess needed i pleaded to him in prison to see my mother and hug her tears in my eyes and my prayer was answered now he's coming back with a sword while you laugh you wont last in the last days revelations under way who can be saved and escape the wrath of the lord only those who found mercy in his eyes dry land famine barren the oceans filled with blood wars poverty it all occurs before his return so will you burn or get what you deserve rest somewhere to be safe the one who holds the keys to death and life what a ride we're on stay strong and pursue the mercy paved for you stayed in the grave for 3 days then rose again no need for medicine he is the healer of the planet and wont leave you abandoned just don't take his grace for granted he can hear your prayers anywhere on the planet thats true attachment and friendship.


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1 year ago

we don't celebrate Christmas as Christians cus the word never gave us an exact date to when Christ was born so put on a set of horns then and be friends with the Devil Santa Claus and presents are not given to GOD'S children we celebrate every day a new chance to change and be risen from graves by the grace of his name made flames become water to your flesh no guess needed i pleaded to him in prison to see my mother and hug her tears in my eyes and my prayer was answered now he's coming back with a sword while you laugh you wont last in the last days revelations under way who can be saved and escape the wrath of the lord only those who found mercy in his eyes dry land famine barren the oceans filled with blood wars poverty it all occurs before his return so will you burn or get what you deserve rest somewhere to be safe the one who holds the keys to death and life what a ride we're on stay strong and pursue the mercy paved for you stayed in the grave for 3 days then rose again no need for medicine he is the healer of the planet and wont leave you abandoned just don't take his grace for granted he can hear your prayers anywhere on the planet thats true attachment and friendship.

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