
30 Plays

23 Dec 2022

your just got broke know my life is better then you little brat because of the time past swich lanes I ask in hella ran you over like your blind I just went to your door it was going be a nice like life up like a gang like you I am going eat your soul eat your soul why I am going make die 360 I don't want alive I will sell your soul like I am going to beat to deaf like the over right like 20 times no one wants everyone beat the crap out of you you just lost your mind like your so dumb I will sell your soul let you go fly away go away trash dog


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1 year ago

your just got broke know my life is better then you little brat because of the time past swich lanes I ask in hella ran you over like your blind I just went to your door it was going be a nice like life up like a gang like you I am going eat your soul eat your soul why I am going make die 360 I don't want alive I will sell your soul like I am going to beat to deaf like the over right like 20 times no one wants everyone beat the crap out of you you just lost your mind like your so dumb I will sell your soul let you go fly away go away trash dog

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