Buck Plusgee
Buck Plusgee

sleep deprived

sleep deprived

37 Plays

20 Dec 2022

morning snuck up whilst I whiled away see the sun before ive slept new day has begun feeling so unrested wishing I had done so instead I just got bested what a mess this last year has been cheer a little less fatigue meter up to a 10 when the food i bought and ordered barely has a nibble in it now or then so I pretend that I just dont need restful slumber subconscious deeply deprived got me dreaming on my feet sometime its do or die watching as my monstrous appetites go UN satiated each min further feels like im sedated waited for the time and conditions to align hopefully it happens before my mind runs outta time sun rise without a restful slumber I feel it drags me under the night has dragged on now the mornings taking over sleep incessantly is after me I can feel it moving closer uttering nonsensical sentances brain is full of substances got me asking what was this now I know what isnt is dream and waking brain feels blizzed droopy head falling all but out occupational hazard for the inspirational bastard fists are dangerous like dukes of hazard I can feel the dreamworld gather laying siege to my mind if ID rather simply lay down here before but gone afterthe face crumpled in piece of parchment in the wind then marks seem to intend a well worn path begins eaail marked denotes a well thought out traveled arc so when you start or embark with you collar freshly starched a part of partial presentation promptly can predict possibilities in fact its over arching keep your eyes from desperately darting too and fro here we go but I won't though in the know favors friends fortunately its just the ethics in my heart report to me my selfish mind is on a runner but shortly hopefully i find some time with which to sort these events into order were meant to retort sir my Mindy to mort stir up nostalgic remembrances 1 link it iptcc ki hobo replied to the guy asking why we all die where we go? fast or slow he demanded to know philosophy had his interest peaked over coffee we speak and we spoke witty banter told jokes . now this bloke in which I had first held some disdain. we spoke plain with respect to where we both had been seem were the same more than diffrences real or imagines once egos were tamed offences pretenses we at once dispensed with and came to our senses alliteration needs more alteration minds feels sometimes caged in meekly needing liberation from the programming. and nonsense I just turned away from


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2 years ago

morning snuck up whilst I whiled away see the sun before ive slept new day has begun feeling so unrested wishing I had done so instead I just got bested what a mess this last year has been cheer a little less fatigue meter up to a 10 when the food i bought and ordered barely has a nibble in it now or then so I pretend that I just dont need restful slumber subconscious deeply deprived got me dreaming on my feet sometime its do or die watching as my monstrous appetites go UN satiated each min further feels like im sedated waited for the time and conditions to align hopefully it happens before my mind runs outta time sun rise without a restful slumber I feel it drags me under the night has dragged on now the mornings taking over sleep incessantly is after me I can feel it moving closer uttering nonsensical sentances brain is full of substances got me asking what was this now I know what isnt is dream and waking brain feels blizzed droopy head falling all but out occupational hazard for the inspirational bastard fists are dangerous like dukes of hazard I can feel the dreamworld gather laying siege to my mind if ID rather simply lay down here before but gone afterthe face crumpled in piece of parchment in the wind then marks seem to intend a well worn path begins eaail marked denotes a well thought out traveled arc so when you start or embark with you collar freshly starched a part of partial presentation promptly can predict possibilities in fact its over arching keep your eyes from desperately darting too and fro here we go but I won't though in the know favors friends fortunately its just the ethics in my heart report to me my selfish mind is on a runner but shortly hopefully i find some time with which to sort these events into order were meant to retort sir my Mindy to mort stir up nostalgic remembrances 1 link it iptcc ki hobo replied to the guy asking why we all die where we go? fast or slow he demanded to know philosophy had his interest peaked over coffee we speak and we spoke witty banter told jokes . now this bloke in which I had first held some disdain. we spoke plain with respect to where we both had been seem were the same more than diffrences real or imagines once egos were tamed offences pretenses we at once dispensed with and came to our senses alliteration needs more alteration minds feels sometimes caged in meekly needing liberation from the programming. and nonsense I just turned away from

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