Premier pas dans l’aile

Premier pas dans l’aile

15 Plays

02 Dec 2022

C’est juste un démo pas un vrai clips les reufs checker si les backs sont chill.._


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2 years ago

style free never give up keep on style free

niiiiiiiiiiice bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

2 years ago

What's up @miloudomar, Thanks for the sharing 'Premier pas dans l’aile ', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. Recording quality matters fam! Make sure you don't let your excitement cloud your judgement! Release your tracks when they ready! 🤟 2. Once you find a good recording set up, stick with it! Rapping is all about consistency, try and apply this to every level of your music! 3. You can clean up the recording quality here by using headphones to minimize feedback! 4. Rap Fame defo has some powerful effects 🚀 Keep using 'em, but remember less can be more when it comes to the mixing stage! 5. Get immediate feedback on your track with Judge 4 Judge! You and another user simultaneously provide feedback for each other's track, helping you to level up on your next drop! 💥 We'd love to hear some tracks from you in the future! 🙌 All the best, The Rap Fame team 😎

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