
school song

school song

15 Plays

25 Nov 2022

yo yo so this school has been here for 30 year now I think more then that but now it's 2022 so our year 6s are just geting started what it's like being in high school but first I got a list of some the kid's who are going to daff high school first it's me Ethan locky zac and ben hiely sophie that all I can tell you and it buster blaek sam so that it's it I hope you in joy and bug jug


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1 year ago

yo yo so this school has been here for 30 year now I think more then that but now it's 2022 so our year 6s are just geting started what it's like being in high school but first I got a list of some the kid's who are going to daff high school first it's me Ethan locky zac and ben hiely sophie that all I can tell you and it buster blaek sam so that it's it I hope you in joy and bug jug

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