Damon Cook / D- Tuda
Damon Cook / D- Tuda

When I get there

When I get there

300 Plays

23 Nov 2022

Day and night day and night///I'm trying to cope with this thing we call life/// every night,and everyday/// I just get tempted to take that trip,and let them things spit///from the clip What I'm faced with/// got me feeling out of place,and///feeling so much pain/// looking at pictures of my brother wayne///memories stuck in my brain/// Thinking of how I can't get them times back///got me ready to grab that mack,and attack/// Showing no mercy,all I see is blood/// run up on that bitch,and show no love///Then flood,the street with his blood/// I know it sounds Crazy,and two wrongs don't make it right/// I'm battling with these thoughts,everyday,and night///trying to stay under the lord's light Truthfully I stil don't know how to feel///How am I supposed to enjoy Thanksgiving day meal/// 11/24 makes 9months of your demise/// 9 months I haven't seen your eyes/// When you died/// a part of me died/// and countless tears I cried/// Our last conversation was the day of your death/// 3 minutes,and 27 seven secs. The video chat recorded, the time/// how I wish I could rewind the time/// This thought plays in my mind/// Time and time,over,and over/// I refuse to accept your life is over/// I wish I could dial ya # and hear your voice/// but I'm stuck without a choice/// can't touch you see or hear you/// and at times I just don't know what to do////But I really miss you/// and I wish you/// were still here/// Until we meet again,rock the Heavens,and I'll see you when I get there//// Never thought that you would be gone so soon///it's like a commercial,and on this channel I'm staying tuned///wishing you could walk in the room/// To grace me with your presence/// but at times I feel ya presence, and hear you telling me to keep pressin/// Keep pushin///Somehow I know ya still lookin/// out for me/// protecting me from things I can't see/// You and G-O-D///


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Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Day and night day and night///I'm trying to cope with this thing we call life/// every night,and everyday/// I just get tempted to take that trip,and let them things spit///from the clip What I'm faced with/// got me feeling out of place,and///feeling so much pain/// looking at pictures of my brother wayne///memories stuck in my brain/// Thinking of how I can't get them times back///got me ready to grab that mack,and attack/// Showing no mercy,all I see is blood/// run up on that bitch,and show no love///Then flood,the street with his blood/// I know it sounds Crazy,and two wrongs don't make it right/// I'm battling with these thoughts,everyday,and night///trying to stay under the lord's light Truthfully I stil don't know how to feel///How am I supposed to enjoy Thanksgiving day meal/// 11/24 makes 9months of your demise/// 9 months I haven't seen your eyes/// When you died/// a part of me died/// and countless tears I cried/// Our last conversation was the day of your death/// 3 minutes,and 27 seven secs. The video chat recorded, the time/// how I wish I could rewind the time/// This thought plays in my mind/// Time and time,over,and over/// I refuse to accept your life is over/// I wish I could dial ya # and hear your voice/// but I'm stuck without a choice/// can't touch you see or hear you/// and at times I just don't know what to do////But I really miss you/// and I wish you/// were still here/// Until we meet again,rock the Heavens,and I'll see you when I get there//// Never thought that you would be gone so soon///it's like a commercial,and on this channel I'm staying tuned///wishing you could walk in the room/// To grace me with your presence/// but at times I feel ya presence, and hear you telling me to keep pressin/// Keep pushin///Somehow I know ya still lookin/// out for me/// protecting me from things I can't see/// You and G-O-D///

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