homicide suicide

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Running Down to the gates to hell trying to tell if I’m still well because I don’t know where to go like I’m a lost in a weel but when I’m alone all I think about is you achoo smell the ashes burn under me and when I’m alone all I can think about is homicide suicide saw my auntie die now I’m burning my eyes waiting for a sign that I’m alive wishing I was alive sometimes I just want to die like I was flipping some dimes all these niggas chasing clout pushing them in a drought but some niggas had me crying had me feeling like im fucking dying so after I say I’m fine I go home and cry while I’m thinking about homicide suicide saw my auntie die now I don’t know why I try to act fine sometimes I think about life thinking if I should end it because I can’t tell if it’s fine or if I just seeing something I shouldn’t be now I’m alone like a bumblebee am I in hell or my home I can’t tell there is no difference limbo like I’m scebo hell and heaven I’m stuck in between that is why I can’t get sleep so I just sit alone and think about homicide suicide saw my auntie die wondering if I’m alive say I’m fine but you know it’s a lie had me doing my time now I’m on the side of the line tripping as if I was on the ninety five some times all I think about is homicide suicide

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