siliuete it
Rapperofwordswhatsup yall wanna call me by my name i like playing your game of pain and rain onebday the sunshine will come and we will be outside and live our lifes with tge music we like call me my name and ill like you more to pur words are explicit but youl reach your limit it will come sumday maybe tommorow maybe next year all i know is it will vome it will run you out ut will make you smile speed dial the rap company maybe they will redeem your beam of fame and your flame will lifht itself again it will cost you a ton of pain tho in your way thogh youl regret it forget it siluote it up pset it destroy it anbiy it deciy it and seeya later youl be left a lone left alone
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whatsup yall wanna call me by my name i like playing your game of pain and rain onebday the sunshine will come and we will be outside and live our lifes with tge music we like call me my name and ill like you more to pur words are explicit but youl reach your limit it will come sumday maybe tommorow maybe next year all i know is it will vome it will run you out ut will make you smile speed dial the rap company maybe they will redeem your beam of fame and your flame will lifht itself again it will cost you a ton of pain tho in your way thogh youl regret it forget it siluote it up pset it destroy it anbiy it deciy it and seeya later youl be left a lone left alone
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