
"Putting Back The Pieces"

"Putting Back The Pieces"

229 Plays

18 Oct 2022

"STAY FROSTY" <START> I'M Sitting back Writing this track watch out I'm about to  attack I know that I aint alone in the sense that I am alone  After a year you still can't see How the fuck can't you see what you did to me. you can't take back the fact you fucked my hoe behind my back. As I caught you two i almost had a fucking heart attack it takes cahontas to admit what you did  but why can't you man up and take responsibility yet somehow it's my fault she tripped and landed on your dick Man You were my best friend that I thought I had until the end I should of been more Cautious but I believed you were harmless nah your just heartless even though your as slow as a tortoise thinking you are the only one for her Clearly  cheating is no problem for her once she gets bored and finds someone with more She'll be gonna be her number 4 Again your too slow to realize brooooo I only have mad memories that I can't just forget although you had no problem Throwing me away like im some piece of shit Look in the mirror still can't believe the whole situation my best friend sleeps with my girl behind my back than justifies So tired of the earache lm about to break such a flake you may not realize but it took everything to even throw a punch yet why did I hold my strength back? oh yeah you'd be 6feet under while  I'd be sitting in a 6x6 Wasting my life away on a worthless piece of shit I regret it I should of hit you harder Especially the pain you caused was no match  It's all good you sold your soul to be with her devil now dates you Instead of selling your soul for fame and fortune you decided to sell it for your my life your jealousy Is ugly works cause you fugly Are you receiving me? probably not cause your head is so Baldly ! Haven't you heard of bosley must be reflecting my signal Don't matter I don't need your answer when I know its just wack Just like your smile all cracked your face all abstract ha How does it feel to be on such a short leash crawling on your knees I Spent a day rehearsing this on your forehead you think your in love Your straight dreaming   like the dream you had before your betrayal that night you be dreaming   a wizard of oz Asking oz for courage, a brain and, a heart. Oz said only one Looks like you chose courage to stab me in the back Yet no heart to care nor brain to think what you've done  Would ever effect anyone depressed that I can't see my brother miss the decade of unforgettable experiences <end.> man I miss the real you just remember when she finds someone with more and leaves you don't kill yourself Your worth more than that


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2 years ago

damn bro sorry about that happening to you 😔 I feel your pain, sucks when a supposed friend betrays you. this is deep. Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

damn bro sorry about that happening to you 😔 I feel your pain, sucks when a supposed friend betrays you. this is deep. Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Nice Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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