Real love

18 Plays

10 Oct 2022

So I found this thing called real love I think this guy was sent from above my heart beats different when he walks in the room just wish we had more time to consume eachothers hearts his heart makes me whole and relaxes my soul he's the one i want to be with the one i want to hold his love never gets old each day feels so right alll i want to do is hold him tight this feeling wont ever go away kisses all day i told you i found this thing called real love and its here to stay


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So I found this thing called real love I think this guy was sent from above my heart beats different when he walks in the room just wish we had more time to consume eachothers hearts his heart makes me whole and relaxes my soul he's the one i want to be with the one i want to hold his love never gets old each day feels so right alll i want to do is hold him tight this feeling wont ever go away kisses all day i told you i found this thing called real love and its here to stay

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