


58 Plays

10 Oct 2022

I take off like a nitrous filled rocket ship as i start to go cut through the atmo n strato and any other spheres then I go straight through another glowing golden galaxy in some other dimension of space maybe a Galaxy who knows when you say I'll go when we got a whole long way through the Milky Way twinkle twinkle little are the stars until they go boom causing a supernova lying on a sofa i fall into a coma a black hole filled with possibilities for me time to catch some 😴


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2 years ago

Follow me Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 years ago

dope follow me Bars: Nice 🌟 Delivery: Great 🎉 Impression: Great 🎉

2 years ago

I take off like a nitrous filled rocket ship as i start to go cut through the atmo n strato and any other spheres then I go straight through another glowing golden galaxy in some other dimension of space maybe a Galaxy who knows when you say I'll go when we got a whole long way through the Milky Way twinkle twinkle little are the stars until they go boom causing a supernova lying on a sofa i fall into a coma a black hole filled with possibilities for me time to catch some 😴

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