Nasty Admiral 666
Nasty Admiral 666

TrapTalk (21:01)

TrapTalk (21:01)

21 Plays

03 Oct 2022


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2 years ago

Hi @nastyadmiral666! Here's a couple tips for your track 'TrapTalk (21:01)'! 💥 1. Try using the rhyme generator to develop even more on your first rap! ✍️ 2. Some eye-catching cover art can draw new people to your music! 🎇 3. Your track could really benefit from a headset to improve the recording quality! 🎧 4. There are some nice effects in our mobile studio, like Autotune and Reverb. Why don't you try them? 5. Defo try out our denoise feature to minimize any background noise on your track! 🤫 6. Post a longer track so we can really give you some detailed thoughts. 7. Get immediate feedback on your track with Judge 4 Judge! You and another user simultaneously provide feedback for each other's track, helping you to level up on your next drop! 💥 It was great listening to your track, we hope to see a lot more of you in the future, please feel free to share some more tracks with us! 🙌 All the best, The Rap Fame team 😎

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