Dennis Stehr
Dennis Stehr

off line

off line

77 Plays

30 Sep 2022

ooh ya can you feel it huh gotta a sensation under my skin raisen my hair I'm empen evaluations of the truth can make me aware that there's positive or negative energy in the air low frequency erks my nerves reactive static symbolic to the high pressure on the week places pulled and stretched until its devided so much pain separated from the love that was once there all together now by the lost hard endurance of enduring love infinite agope traded for lust infiltrated by evil twisted thinking its always ignorance comes in fazes to entertain the wickidness in us the devil has to make a strong spirited wha wha did you really real eally gain ppwhen you all ready have the best. huh oh ya cant you see were all ready trained with good thinking, mama said boy lift your chin and raise uour head never give up and dont forget where and to whom things come from, and like him always do your best, clever are the ones i miss, off the common denomination, self preservation a joke only the devil would say something like that come. on you got better sence then that I hope idling self is the breader to lost hope a cowardous play sell out to doubt and settling for less drained ambitions are exaggerated synarios where your pride need to be deciphered down from wild so smile don't beat yourself up dead it. let's get festive and celebrate the good in life ya today's yours today's mine God today we thank you for all the good you give and gave, your always looking at the whole body of man witbout you my Father werev just comfused human beings


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2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

cool man Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 years ago

ooh ya can you feel it huh gotta a sensation under my skin raisen my hair I'm empen evaluations of the truth can make me aware that there's positive or negative energy in the air low frequency erks my nerves reactive static symbolic to the high pressure on the week places pulled and stretched until its devided so much pain separated from the love that was once there all together now by the lost hard endurance of enduring love infinite agope traded for lust infiltrated by evil twisted thinking its always ignorance comes in fazes to entertain the wickidness in us the devil has to make a strong spirited wha wha did you really real eally gain ppwhen you all ready have the best. huh oh ya cant you see were all ready trained with good thinking, mama said boy lift your chin and raise uour head never give up and dont forget where and to whom things come from, and like him always do your best, clever are the ones i miss, off the common denomination, self preservation a joke only the devil would say something like that come. on you got better sence then that I hope idling self is the breader to lost hope a cowardous play sell out to doubt and settling for less drained ambitions are exaggerated synarios where your pride need to be deciphered down from wild so smile don't beat yourself up dead it. let's get festive and celebrate the good in life ya today's yours today's mine God today we thank you for all the good you give and gave, your always looking at the whole body of man witbout you my Father werev just comfused human beings

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