video-BattleMe (23:34)

video-BattleMe (23:34)


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2 years ago

Hey @kumabryan40 we liked your track 'video-BattleMe (23:34)', We're so happy you're joining the Rap Fame Community, so here's a couple tips from us: 1. Natural light can bring the best out of your camera! Making the visuals clean and crisp. ☀️ 2. Remember to be true to yourself - authenticity always makes the best tracks! 💯 3. Get your headphones plugged in if you want to see a big increase in the quality of your track. 🎧 4. Great but too short! Give us something longer and we can send you some real feedback. 5. The best & most creative visuals get added to Popular Videos! What you waiting for? Lets get it! 🤙 We'd love to hear some tracks from you in the future! 🙌 All the best, The Rap Fame team 😎

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