LinkorWe will live forever, in the open air, you hide in apartments We will only eat the top of freedom Life is only one, so still we will hide, or risk We are wolves, what sets us apart from the others is ... we are not lions, we are not the kings of animals, but we do not perform in the circus, we are simple, and what distinguishes us from dogs is love and family, and not concern As my brother told me, the life road is arranged so that before you there are two ways - two bridges One of them is old, and no one knows if you will cross over the abyss without dying, but at the end there is a bag of gold, the second is a diamond bridge, through which you know that you will pass the course of life, but in the finals you will find a sack with shit, Choose how you want to live life, risking, but not regretting it, or living in fear of risk, and ending life badly
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We will live forever, in the open air, you hide in apartments We will only eat the top of freedom Life is only one, so still we will hide, or risk We are wolves, what sets us apart from the others is ... we are not lions, we are not the kings of animals, but we do not perform in the circus, we are simple, and what distinguishes us from dogs is love and family, and not concern As my brother told me, the life road is arranged so that before you there are two ways - two bridges One of them is old, and no one knows if you will cross over the abyss without dying, but at the end there is a bag of gold, the second is a diamond bridge, through which you know that you will pass the course of life, but in the finals you will find a sack with shit, Choose how you want to live life, risking, but not regretting it, or living in fear of risk, and ending life badly
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