
150 Plays

11 Sep 2022

I'm Asking god why do i feel this pain in my heart Being strong don't mean I'll never get hurt. It means that when I get hurt, I'll never let it defeat me. When i'm sad i must smile; When I'm happy I must laugh When I'm weak I must stay strong. Pain makes me stronger, tears make me braver and heartbreaks make me wiser, so thank the past for a better future. Sometimes being strong give me courage to admit that I need help. I'm braver than u believe, stronger than I seem, and smarter than I think. Embrace today, be stronger than I was yesterday. Face my fears and wipe my tears. Stay strong, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it don't rain forever. I am strong because I know my weaknesses. I'm alive because I'm a fighter. I am wise because I've been foolish. I laugh because I've known sadness. I'm thankful for every person in my life, present and future cause they will make you stronger, kinder, wiser and they are the people that make me who i am today. The things that hurt you, break you down and make you weak today, are the same things that will build you up, make you strong and help you carry on tomorrow. Life won't get any easier so you will just have to get stronger, True strength is discovered when everything is falling apart but you have the strength inside you to keep it all together.


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💯🔥 follow your boy Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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