
40 Plays

04 Sep 2022

hey its me whitenasty just writin yo let you know that i love you and miss you chad i know your probably busy but id love to hear you write back ive sent you over 50 letters i miss that 12 in horse cock of yours i dream about it everynight i even had you cock cloned and i suck it every night it doesnt taste like you but i guess its good enough ive even named my cat after you ive told my friends and family too that where pretty much a thing do you think were a thing anyways i miss you hot sexy jock body rubbing against mine please write me back chad i miss you so much not being able to see your strong muscles and sharp jawline is killing me i think im in love with you chad it was love at first sight do you remember chad? ofc you do i just wish you looked at me the same as you did when we first meet is all now you barely write back i love you sincerely whitenasty hey chad its me again i dont know if you got my last letter stupid fedex haha always losing my letters and packages i know if you would of got it you would of wrote back its no biggie really i hope you get this letter tho i miss you so much chad please whenever your free, write me back im starting to get worried that your forgetting about me i dont want you to break up with me sorry just getting in my feels i know are love is eternal and you love me just the same i still wear the ring you gave me the promise ring you bought at kays and jewelry i think it was you are a man of suprise chad even that huge massive 3rd leg god i wish i could touch it ive sent you alot of pictures of my ass can you please send pics of you schlong to me stop being such a tease chad haha i just wish i could be by your side right now like old times when you made me sit in the back seat and you let your bro sit in the passenger or everytimes i go to your games and i watch from the bleachers and you act like i dont exist you have a great sense of humor chad your really make me laugh especially when you punched my in the face for being to close to you or when you say the joke who are you get out of my house omg i miss it so much why did you have to move and make us together harder anyways i love you chad


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2 years ago

hey its me whitenasty just writin yo let you know that i love you and miss you chad i know your probably busy but id love to hear you write back ive sent you over 50 letters i miss that 12 in horse cock of yours i dream about it everynight i even had you cock cloned and i suck it every night it doesnt taste like you but i guess its good enough ive even named my cat after you ive told my friends and family too that where pretty much a thing do you think were a thing anyways i miss you hot sexy jock body rubbing against mine please write me back chad i miss you so much not being able to see your strong muscles and sharp jawline is killing me i think im in love with you chad it was love at first sight do you remember chad? ofc you do i just wish you looked at me the same as you did when we first meet is all now you barely write back i love you sincerely whitenasty hey chad its me again i dont know if you got my last letter stupid fedex haha always losing my letters and packages i know if you would of got it you would of wrote back its no biggie really i hope you get this letter tho i miss you so much chad please whenever your free, write me back im starting to get worried that your forgetting about me i dont want you to break up with me sorry just getting in my feels i know are love is eternal and you love me just the same i still wear the ring you gave me the promise ring you bought at kays and jewelry i think it was you are a man of suprise chad even that huge massive 3rd leg god i wish i could touch it ive sent you alot of pictures of my ass can you please send pics of you schlong to me stop being such a tease chad haha i just wish i could be by your side right now like old times when you made me sit in the back seat and you let your bro sit in the passenger or everytimes i go to your games and i watch from the bleachers and you act like i dont exist you have a great sense of humor chad your really make me laugh especially when you punched my in the face for being to close to you or when you say the joke who are you get out of my house omg i miss it so much why did you have to move and make us together harder anyways i love you chad

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