Another day in Ballin

Another day in Ballin

83 Plays

28 Aug 2022

das ist der Finale Song vom Album [Träume] another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again. You think it's always better to let it be, but you'll never get there, so throw away your excuses and make your dreams a reality. once you've done that you don't need anything but you and a sweet girl and you're happy, in Ballin. another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again. now you are happy and what are you gonna do? now you will have a child. At the beginning it's hell, at the end it takes you to Movie Park Germany at the age of 28 and you feel like you're 17 again, and so you become a child again. another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again.


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2 years ago

das ist der Finale Song vom Album [Träume] another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again. You think it's always better to let it be, but you'll never get there, so throw away your excuses and make your dreams a reality. once you've done that you don't need anything but you and a sweet girl and you're happy, in Ballin. another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again. now you are happy and what are you gonna do? now you will have a child. At the beginning it's hell, at the end it takes you to Movie Park Germany at the age of 28 and you feel like you're 17 again, and so you become a child again. another day in Ballin is better. Another day in Ballin can be bad. another day in Ballin will be better again.

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