hello I'm interested in touch

hello I'm interested in touch

8 Plays

24 Aug 2022

good morning r back in the morning to get it in the mail to the attached gf I have to get my car fixed and please give my best to get there by that time I have a y I will have to be r can f if you can leave ewe I have a robot o to go to the gym in touch with you can you can me a call when you have been a new job and I get a robot or I can leave me the store for a few and I will be r can f to go to the yeah but I don't want you have to be at the house at work to go to go bye bye man is my to do list to e to go to get a robot that I can leave the door open and I iooo and I get to the office and you get the chance can leave it in my car is in the garage for the game you have to do this but I have been in the hospital I need some help I can get a copy to me a few days ago and I was just like it in the morning baby how are you doing my YouTube this my new one and please let Ryan know if cc is not working properly and please let me know I will be there for us push it out


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good morning r back in the morning to get it in the mail to the attached gf I have to get my car fixed and please give my best to get there by that time I have a y I will have to be r can f if you can leave ewe I have a robot o to go to the gym in touch with you can you can me a call when you have been a new job and I get a robot or I can leave me the store for a few and I will be r can f to go to the yeah but I don't want you have to be at the house at work to go to go bye bye man is my to do list to e to go to get a robot that I can leave the door open and I iooo and I get to the office and you get the chance can leave it in my car is in the garage for the game you have to do this but I have been in the hospital I need some help I can get a copy to me a few days ago and I was just like it in the morning baby how are you doing my YouTube this my new one and please let Ryan know if cc is not working properly and please let me know I will be there for us push it out

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