Веня Заец

To the last (15:43)

Веня Заец
To the last (15:43)

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3 years ago

на каком языке ты читаешь? или делаешь попытки

3 years ago

ваувауваувауваувауваувау классссс начало дааа

3 years ago

What's up @_ZsbdX7ly, Thanks for the sharing 'To the last (15:43)', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. Try recording a freestyle vid next! Here you can really show the rest of the app your true passion for rap! 2. Remember to add dope cover art to your tracks to really show off your image and vibes! 🌊 3. Get your headphones plugged in if you want to see a big increase in the quality of your track. 🎧 4. We feel that adding some of our built in audio effects could really help bring this track to life! 5. Try using our denoise feature to reduce the background noise from your device! Keep perfecting your sound, we'd love to hear you progress on your musical journey! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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