Justin Damian Fox
Justin Damian Fox

shadows aren’t they great

shadows aren’t they great

1 Plays

07 Aug 2022

Just Simply Another Link In The Chain          ~Trial & error, to find something thats meant to be shared,      to love it hurts when not returned,      dims the nerves yet didnt lessen the feeling, question love is to answer to hate ,  sadly despised into dark embrace, follow the harlots advice,  inflame hearts encased,   a thought to offer a hand when even the bible as no comfort to offer,  of course the rituals still stands, is it right to rip my heart out just to watch it drop from thy hands?~  -(Aw I'd try to think of a reply... but could not do it justice I'm outdone Sir thy words hath slayed the reply as it lay in infancy 'pon my tounge)-  ~just the tone when spoken ,        i suppose when im reading it im picturing the voice behind it I have no remorse for some of the terrible things I've done I've taken a lot of life ending risks yet i laugh about them,          ive stolen alot of stuff ofbut course no remorse for that.  cant say ive ever cheated nor hit a lady for that matter.                      as a son im horrible we all got secrets,  nothing u say about these matters will effect me none,     im sure.how about this? I'll unfold my secrets if u do.~  -(Ever killed? Watched somebody die? Listen to them beg? And laughed?)-  ~only in dreams. . . listening to begs makes me sick yet i love the feeling that this one person will do anything for the gift of life for the next day, watching people in pain fills me with a joy that makes me sick but enjoy to see people suffer,  No remorse..     .its sickens me greatly ,                  but i cant help the fact... Oh my goodness, its hard isn't it,  the mind is a very powerful thing & will make you truly believe your sick when ur not,I know                               ... but some are really~  -(Their souls have withered and died...and they are only ghosts travelling the world... and they still don't know they've died one of my greatest fears is that whole ordeal.. .  People know)-  ~But like to turn a blind eye, i try to be peaceful ...  Ice queen + Miss Murder, Loan Soldier & no heroes great deeds This is creepy Scaring yourself  nothing of that one can enjoy~   -(I'm fake....to an extent I wear a mask all day everyday And rarely let the little child inside out, people only see a little of me They never get to know me no matter how close they get)-  ~Society only has its way with taxes! remember that, it as no right to tell you who you are!  i know the streets whispers a program of who you SHOULD be,  but why walk someone else tracks when it more just at the end of the day looking back at the foot pint's you left behind in the deep fallen snow,  for say to climb a hill only to fall down again the next day cross the line , hold your pride high, even though ur sick of praying to the sky.~   -(shadows arent they great?  darkness, black,   dreadful yet so peaceful,  but they give a distorted view of life if you live in them too long must not of been there long enough,  Night for example, i am turly awake at this time,            yes i could sleep           but its a love of being a nightchild -----don't like the day Too noisy and quick, yet night i dont see it as a distortion, yet a form of truth unmasked for say. )-  ~cant help to think however,  plastic could be burnt off,  melt away the fake,  but it seems u must be the one who burns the plastic,      perhaps why u don't is a fear of scars ,       or a fear of seeing yourself underneath the plastic.    But miss hold your paint bush as long as you need. . .  -(I will)-  ~keep it handy ,  never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows miss Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit better, perhaps a little girl waiting to grow. after all society mold people the way they want.  Still wanna be their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes.    but work like you don't need the money right? Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or people tell u who u are.  don't let them paint you.  free as a dove miss Starr,  however it SEEMS not ready for love.~  -(I need to always follow my heart)-  ~of course, id call u a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ -(You think the same as me then)-  ~Yes just another link in the chain......~  ~keep it handy , never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows this Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit more, perhaps a little boy waiting to grow. after all society molds people the way they want.  Why Still wanna be their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes. but work like you don't need the money right?  Fuck their Cash Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or people tell u who u are.  don't let them paint you. free as a dove flying among a Starr, however it SEEMS not ready for love.~ -(I need to always follow my heart)- ~of course, youd call u me a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ Mistake is that you think you are the same as me ~Yes just another link in the chain......~  thats been broken so easily  ~keep it handy ,  never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows this Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit better though, perhaps a little children waiting to grow. after all society molds people the way they want.  Lets stop  being their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes. but work like you don't need the money right? so fuck their taxes Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or those some people or that Some Body  tell u who u are. don't let them paint you. free as a dove when will we be ready for love.~ -(I need to always follow my heart)- ~of course, theyd call u a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ the mistake is that they think we are all the same ~Yes just another link in the chain......~ thats been broken so easily  this chain , ive torn at ripped broken so easily We are just Another Link in The Chain thats been tugged at  broken away so easily  ~Justin Richard Damian Foy~  -(D'arcy Starr McIntosh)- 


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Just Simply Another Link In The Chain          ~Trial & error, to find something thats meant to be shared,      to love it hurts when not returned,      dims the nerves yet didnt lessen the feeling, question love is to answer to hate ,  sadly despised into dark embrace, follow the harlots advice,  inflame hearts encased,   a thought to offer a hand when even the bible as no comfort to offer,  of course the rituals still stands, is it right to rip my heart out just to watch it drop from thy hands?~  -(Aw I'd try to think of a reply... but could not do it justice I'm outdone Sir thy words hath slayed the reply as it lay in infancy 'pon my tounge)-  ~just the tone when spoken ,        i suppose when im reading it im picturing the voice behind it I have no remorse for some of the terrible things I've done I've taken a lot of life ending risks yet i laugh about them,          ive stolen alot of stuff ofbut course no remorse for that.  cant say ive ever cheated nor hit a lady for that matter.                      as a son im horrible we all got secrets,  nothing u say about these matters will effect me none,     im sure.how about this? I'll unfold my secrets if u do.~  -(Ever killed? Watched somebody die? Listen to them beg? And laughed?)-  ~only in dreams. . . listening to begs makes me sick yet i love the feeling that this one person will do anything for the gift of life for the next day, watching people in pain fills me with a joy that makes me sick but enjoy to see people suffer,  No remorse..     .its sickens me greatly ,                  but i cant help the fact... Oh my goodness, its hard isn't it,  the mind is a very powerful thing & will make you truly believe your sick when ur not,I know                               ... but some are really~  -(Their souls have withered and died...and they are only ghosts travelling the world... and they still don't know they've died one of my greatest fears is that whole ordeal.. .  People know)-  ~But like to turn a blind eye, i try to be peaceful ...  Ice queen + Miss Murder, Loan Soldier & no heroes great deeds This is creepy Scaring yourself  nothing of that one can enjoy~   -(I'm fake....to an extent I wear a mask all day everyday And rarely let the little child inside out, people only see a little of me They never get to know me no matter how close they get)-  ~Society only has its way with taxes! remember that, it as no right to tell you who you are!  i know the streets whispers a program of who you SHOULD be,  but why walk someone else tracks when it more just at the end of the day looking back at the foot pint's you left behind in the deep fallen snow,  for say to climb a hill only to fall down again the next day cross the line , hold your pride high, even though ur sick of praying to the sky.~   -(shadows arent they great?  darkness, black,   dreadful yet so peaceful,  but they give a distorted view of life if you live in them too long must not of been there long enough,  Night for example, i am turly awake at this time,            yes i could sleep           but its a love of being a nightchild -----don't like the day Too noisy and quick, yet night i dont see it as a distortion, yet a form of truth unmasked for say. )-  ~cant help to think however,  plastic could be burnt off,  melt away the fake,  but it seems u must be the one who burns the plastic,      perhaps why u don't is a fear of scars ,       or a fear of seeing yourself underneath the plastic.    But miss hold your paint bush as long as you need. . .  -(I will)-  ~keep it handy ,  never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows miss Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit better, perhaps a little girl waiting to grow. after all society mold people the way they want.  Still wanna be their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes.    but work like you don't need the money right? Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or people tell u who u are.  don't let them paint you.  free as a dove miss Starr,  however it SEEMS not ready for love.~  -(I need to always follow my heart)-  ~of course, id call u a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ -(You think the same as me then)-  ~Yes just another link in the chain......~  ~keep it handy , never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows this Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit more, perhaps a little boy waiting to grow. after all society molds people the way they want.  Why Still wanna be their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes. but work like you don't need the money right?  Fuck their Cash Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or people tell u who u are.  don't let them paint you. free as a dove flying among a Starr, however it SEEMS not ready for love.~ -(I need to always follow my heart)- ~of course, youd call u me a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ Mistake is that you think you are the same as me ~Yes just another link in the chain......~  thats been broken so easily  ~keep it handy ,  never know when the real side of you might show,  oh how dreadful though every one knows this Starr behind the mask of untold secrets ,  but I think I know just a bit better though, perhaps a little children waiting to grow. after all society molds people the way they want.  Lets stop  being their pawn?  the only way they can effect you my dear is taxes. but work like you don't need the money right? so fuck their taxes Hold your paintbrush at least u paint yourself,  never let someone or those some people or that Some Body  tell u who u are. don't let them paint you. free as a dove when will we be ready for love.~ -(I need to always follow my heart)- ~of course, theyd call u a fool if u didnt in all honesty ~ the mistake is that they think we are all the same ~Yes just another link in the chain......~ thats been broken so easily  this chain , ive torn at ripped broken so easily We are just Another Link in The Chain thats been tugged at  broken away so easily  ~Justin Richard Damian Foy~  -(D'arcy Starr McIntosh)- 

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