Justin Damian Fox
Justin Damian Fox

Clearly Not the Best

Clearly Not the Best

8 Plays

03 Aug 2022

Wake up Callings Echoed States of Emotion |||I cant move on,  I cant sit still no matter what i say you just do what you will I woud let you in theres no more room for those that are here they have always bin walk away get on your way theres no fucking way you can stay you call me your drug Id say im more you wake up call im the alarm that warns you of your fall now fuck this and fuck that any place is better then where im at I know you didnt want to hurt me but hurting is the first thing i learnt along with this pain in my chest its the worst and the best so please go but not forever just long enough for you to get better...||||| \\\\\\\ive got these feelings  and I just cant get over them  im just so  tired of chasing after  what should already be mine  come on try to tell me  that he  can  do  better then me  ur playing with those hood rats  when u kno you  want the  bthe real D  cant  tell me no lies  I can see when u hold that pillow close  and u get that look deep in ur eyes  but its not a surprise  when u know u can have the ten  but u settled with the zero  if ur foy boy toy  trys to be hero  im a try to be a magician  and make him disappear  vanish into thin air  were he goes I rlly don’t care  as long as ur not there with him  and ur here closer to me  just like how it was always supposed to be  see look hes always fried  I can do better than what he tried  its not just that I can put u in the mood  it’s the way my words come out like seduction  have u hangin on to me with every word  as I drag you along by the twist of my finger \\\\\\\\ [May you have......] |||||||Enough happiness  to keep you sweet, Enough trials  to keep you strong,  Enough sorrow  to keep you human, Enough hope  to keep you happy;  Enough failure to keep you humble,||||||| [May you have] ||||||Enough success  to keep you eager,  Enough friends  to give you comfort,|||||| \\\\\a vivid sent can be smelled in the air  perfume  cologne  my sweat  and hers  hotel room  all a mess  her dress  left torn  not from a fight but of a rendezvous  of pure lust  that just occurred just last night  it cant be wrong  when it feels so right  mind all confused  but that’s old news  that happen since the first day I saw u its like  u took my heart away and  u carry it in ur pocket  but that’s why I bought u a chain with a lil locket  so u can hold it for safe keeping  now when u step all over me with those heels  it wont be broken  that girls pure trouble  I wasn’t joking \\\\\\ [may you have] ||||||||Enough wealth  to meet your needs;  Enough enthusiasm  to look forward, ********Sitting in the middle of a dark room, Surrounded by four walls that are closing in on me, I'm huddled in a corner all alone,  Surrounded by these four walls, Fear, Anger,Hate,and Agony,  I stop, and look around and get up,  The walls that are surrounding me are no longer closing,  I see light and people, I no longer feel ,Anger,Hate,  I see this world no fear  in a new light no Agony , ********* [[[[Shall the light fade,for light comes and goes, The light of everyday is only there for a time, Darkness is forever, Pain echos through the endless night,  Blessed with presents call a new day,  But earth we have betrayed, in greed of money and blasts done by our sinful hand, Who do I have to thank when the bomb falls?]]]]]] Enough faith to banish depression,  Enough determination  to make each day better than yesterday|||||| [[[[[may you enter the waiting light - endless core of the white sun pale n fray breakaway solar history stun- echoed through emotions days won i wont let you keep my breath because yesterdays done time to move on establishing mindful paths   writing up new drafts , new rivers to raft  please only remember the laughes. ]]]]]]]

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