Ashtagged 4 CrAshenDo

Ashtagged 4 CrAshenDo

552 Plays

31 Jul 2022

#whythesadface #breakupSongs #stillLoveyou #Honest #sad #love #Rapfame #GYPSY #Ashtagged #CRESENDO #TrueEvents #HowSHEIZ #Recollections #TOOSHARP #DOA # FLOWTHGIN_BACK_WARD #SHEGONE #WHEREWESTAND #SHEBLONG2DABLOCK #LOVEBLIND #BESTNEWSINGLE #SHEGONE #DownNDirty #itiswhatitis #Rapfame #GYPSY #Ashtagged #CRESENDO #TrueEvents #HowSHEIZ #Recollections #TOOSHARP #DOA # FLOWTHGIN_BACK_WARD #SHEGONE #WHEREWESTAND #SHEBLONG2DABLOCK #LOVEBLIND #BESTSINGLE #LLLOOOUUUDDD ##Rapfame #GYPSY #Ashtagged #CRESENDO #TrueEvents #HowSHEIZ #Recollections #TOOSHARP #DOA # FLOWTHGIN_BACK_WARD #SHEGONE #WHEREWESTAND #SHEBLONG2DABLOCK #LOVEBLIND #BEST #newsong #HotSINGLE #TravelAgent Previously under song titled "( #GYPSY )" #Rapfame #GYPSY #Ashtagged #CRESENDO #TrueEvents #HowSHEIZ #Recollections #TOOSHARP #DOA # FLOWTHGIN_BACK_WARD #SHEGONE #WHEREWESTAND #SHEBLONG2DABLOCK #LOVEBLIND #BESTNEWSINGLE #SHEGONE #doneinAgain #woman #block #Rapfame #GYPSY #Ashtagged #CRESENDO #TrueEvents #HowSHEIZ #Recollections #TOOSHARP #DOA # FLOWTHGIN_BACK_WARD #SHEGONE #WHEREWESTAND #SHEBLONG2DABLOCK #LOVEBLIND #BESTSINGLE #ownedbythegame #fellinlove #byebiotch she gottsa get got to be high as f and she said it is always an option b gotta eat b gotta drink b gotta get shots every week b gotta not sleep B always be on a good tweek B always gotta plans A thru Zeeq, B Yeah B Got a lot going on Ole B got a chlamydia script this week. B gotta bleed B gotta sneak B gotta get mad at me B don't like it when me realTalk and B dont like to tell truths B admits she gottsta spread rumors so we know B gotsta tell storys B. thrives on lies B. Is a danger to you me and our community B. likes to hump B loves to swallow D and B is 2 yall niggas baby's mom. B. can't walk a downtown street mall without being asked Ash u got a cigar or smoke B. just waived her rights to a speedy trial and has to face D.v. charges in front of judge next month and think I was done told during her arrangement that I had and have everything coming to me and deserve what I get fuckn with that known cray crayYes I was recently trauma bonded to a narcissistic love bomber who was physically abusive narcissistically abusive emotionally abusive mentally abusive and I suffer from pseudobulber which is a condition that you can it is called emotional labile and I'm having a really hard time dealing with the loss of this person because they cookie jar me and they love by me and they ghost me and I am stuck in a emotional roller coaster rut of constant crying already and now with all these extra emotions because of a relationship that is just a one-sided way to make the other person feel better and they thrive on making me people like me that other person in relationship miserable and she has clothes here she has a toothbrush here she has deodorant here she's got her spirit is here and I can't walk anywhere in my house and not start crying I look in the bathroom and I start crying because she's supposed to be right there in front of the mirror I walk in the living room table and I'm crying right now I look in the kitchen and there's our dirty dishes and I fall apart I go in the bedroom and there's a suitcase still packed and it's killing me because I'm afraid she's going to do it again and pray she's going to come back and I'm going to let her back and this is going to hurt me again and more and it's already happened every 3 days for the past 2 months he breaks up with me and comes back and I'm crying right now and I'm falling apart and I'm emotionally just devastated and I would rather just being so much fucking sadness and misery and pain I just wish you would come back and give me a hug and lie to me tell me it's going to be okay cuz then turn around and do the same abuse of cycle that we always go through and it ends up with her in front of the mirror and putting on makeup and picking your fight over nothing because I have so much to talk about in So Many unresolved matters that need attention and focused on but she wants to just focus on one little stupid thing that doesn't matter and all that happens then cuz we lose sight of the matter that's important that needs to be resolved and she becomes the victim and I become the asshole and just like that she's gone and I saw it before she came back after the last time she left and as long as I'm Gone without seeing her was the past 3 weeks and she was out of state and then I picked her up at the airport just the day before yesterday at 11:15 a.m. and by 12:32 p.m. the very next day she already went through the entire abuse cycle and got to the part where she was leaving and it was my fault and I'm not to blame cuz I didn't do anything wrong I just love her I believe her I trust her she's making me think that she's pregnant with my babies she said she wants to marry me and the fact of the matter is she's my rapist and I was willing to marry her and I still am and I would do it even if she flew away in an airplane and was with other man I wouldn't care because the second she comes back whether it's 3 weeks or 3 years or 300 fucking lifetimes I would just love to have her in my arms and fall apart while she holds me and likes me and tells me she loves me in the she's sorry things will be different she's still here and everything's perfect and oh my God I'm with the bad and she took a shower and she never came back to bed and then she already had plans to fucking leave me and I knew it was it was happening I can see it unfolding I know the fucking routine by a heart there's no way around it I am so fucking hurt I hyperventilate and I lose my breath and my friend I'm going to fucking die I'm afraid I'm going to die cuz I can't see her I can't talk to her I can't get a hold of her I can't get her to come and lie to me and tell me she loves me and everything's going to be all right and she just wanted to be with me and she's only been with me and she's carrying my baby and we're going to get married and then she abandons me and it all happens again and it happens all the time and I don't know how to say no because my I've been dying for attention having yearning to be loved and I'm willing to be physically abused and mentally abused and blamed and and called things that I'm not and I feel like like I fall in love with my rapist and I want to share a baby with her and I hope she marries me so I can enjoy this pain and misery for the rest of my life and I can't get used to being without her and I can't get used to the fact that when I'm with her it's only a matter of time unlimited a matter of time it's breaks my heart breaks my heart I wish I had the courage and strength to do some self-help and blow out my fucking brains but I don't have a gun or the heart to pull the trigger cuz I got two dogs that I love so much and my heart hurts the stinking that they love her and they miss her sobbing sobbing sobbing I can't go to bed I can't lay down to sleep because I miss her he's not here haha the other day I stood up for so long avoiding going to bed because she's gone


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12 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

12 months ago

Dig it 👏 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

12 months ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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