Calaen Burton
Calaen Burton

Energy Surge

Energy Surge

196 Plays

30 Jul 2022

This dreams costing me everything, but it’s worth it. My love is bursting out the seams while I write and sit. No deficit. My dreams I’ll get. Makings music because that’s where I fit. My parents just told me I may never see them again. Don’t count it as a loss, rather it’s a win. I needed to let them go, they had me wasting wind. I just sat back and listened to what I just wrote. It’s better than a GOAT. My talent and skills are really starting to show, I’m sure by now you already know. Trying to stay focused so I have a song to listen to. This is the truth. Would sound better in a booth. If I had a crew. The hype would never be on mute. Im experiencing time dilation, fighting for my nation, I’m fast, now I’m pacing. I’m truly racing, racing to be the best at the pictures I’m tracing. So you can step. Life can be a mess, but try your best. In your future you should invest. I’m putting work in to be a musical genius, while I follow Jesus. He gives me talent and skill, he truly feeds us. In God I trust, while I write this up. My talent is enough. Feeling so good I could blush and be tough, hearing what I can do truly do fills my cup. I’m just here to express. What ever form that takes in my musical seshs. What I’m passionate about, surely you can guess. It’s how I bless. To get people out of life’s mess. I continue writing on, sun coming up, I guess it’s dawn. Can’t even yawn, the nights already gone. Might die my hair blonde, just joking I’m not Satans Spawn. I feel so weird at this moment, like some sort of energys flowing. I just know it. I am entirely chosen. Death won’t leave me dozing. Energy just goes in. I’m following my life mission, guided by my psychic vision. Energy can be difficult , but in me it blends. Setting new life trends, it’s me it sends. To do the impossible, can you say again? Can I get an amen.


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2 years ago

This dreams costing me everything, but it’s worth it. My love is bursting out the seams while I write and sit. No deficit. My dreams I’ll get. Makings music because that’s where I fit. My parents just told me I may never see them again. Don’t count it as a loss, rather it’s a win. I needed to let them go, they had me wasting wind. I just sat back and listened to what I just wrote. It’s better than a GOAT. My talent and skills are really starting to show, I’m sure by now you already know. Trying to stay focused so I have a song to listen to. This is the truth. Would sound better in a booth. If I had a crew. The hype would never be on mute. Im experiencing time dilation, fighting for my nation, I’m fast, now I’m pacing. I’m truly racing, racing to be the best at the pictures I’m tracing. So you can step. Life can be a mess, but try your best. In your future you should invest. I’m putting work in to be a musical genius, while I follow Jesus. He gives me talent and skill, he truly feeds us. In God I trust, while I write this up. My talent is enough. Feeling so good I could blush and be tough, hearing what I can do truly do fills my cup. I’m just here to express. What ever form that takes in my musical seshs. What I’m passionate about, surely you can guess. It’s how I bless. To get people out of life’s mess. I continue writing on, sun coming up, I guess it’s dawn. Can’t even yawn, the nights already gone. Might die my hair blonde, just joking I’m not Satans Spawn. I feel so weird at this moment, like some sort of energys flowing. I just know it. I am entirely chosen. Death won’t leave me dozing. Energy just goes in. I’m following my life mission, guided by my psychic vision. Energy can be difficult , but in me it blends. Setting new life trends, it’s me it sends. To do the impossible, can you say again? Can I get an amen.

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