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esta biem va solo más pactica y esta va air biem
Buen tema bro, bienvenido 🔥👊🏼🔥 ▶️🎶#LlevameAEseLugar
What's up @danielcuellar.7467737, Thanks for the sharing 'Escuchadme ', here's our two cents on uploading tracks to Rap Fame! 💥 1. Don't worry if you didn't get it first time, you can always re-record your bars! 2. Try and test out the distance between you and the mic before recording, this can make a huge difference to the quality! ✨ 3. With effects, less can sometimes be more! 😲 Test different effect levels and settings to find the best balance! 4. Try using our denoise feature to reduce the background noise from your device! Keep perfecting your sound, we'd love to hear you progress on your musical journey! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎
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