


41 Plays

12 Jul 2022

I just wrote this shit for fun enjoy April 11th Ay Ay... Niggas be acting a lot niggas be lacking a lot What's the point of this useless homicide Niggas just tryna live.. legends be dying a lot... Don't worry I'll live for the legends so they can keep living on but why do we gotta die to be recognized  we been working hard for all it What's the point of trying if we just gonna end up dying and going on the news for another homicide from lacking a lot from these niggas acting a lot We need to make changes so we don't gotta have to carry da strap no more so we don't always gotta keep our guard up this is our world too we want to feel safe with 12 because niggas be afraid too they might be lacking a lot and become another victim but ay without changes what we suppose to do In the end of the day we are all the same so let's unite and make the biggest change that we were afraid to do no point to stick to the past no more just like baby said it's bigger then black and white we aren't different at all judge by there mind and soul not by there appearance if we so self we centered we will make mistakes

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