Matthew Doe
Matthew Doe

To: Bailey, Delilah, Nora

To: Bailey, Delilah, Nora

201 Plays

13 Jun 2022


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💯💯💯 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Can improve 👏

2 years ago

hush little babies don't you cry Daddy's going to try to make it home tonight if I fall and I don't succeed just know you will have everything you need Daddy loves you with all his heart and I'm sorry that me and your mom fell apart. I'm sorry baby girls I wish Daddy could tuck u in and say good night but your dad lost site of what's right and now I'm stuck in a dark room and I can't find the light I promise I will always give it my all and continue to fight just keep the light on so I can make it back home and everything will be all right. I wish I could go back in time and never stupid thing that I did flip it over and make it a positive I feel like no matter how hard I tried or how much of myself I applied tripped and fell and lost my stride and it hurt my pride I can't tell you how many nights I sat and cried or how many days I felt like I want to die see you girls are the apple of my eye for you there's no mountain I wouldn't climb I know but doesn't sound like a lot but I swear to God about to do everything that I can to step up and be a man to make things right I'll go to any height spread my wings and take flight I'm so proud that you are my daughters and I'm so happy I am your father and yourself lucky to have the mom you have shes givin u everything with no help from a man u see for building a life together there is no plan just know that there was plenty of love when this family began. import

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