I don't miss you

I don't miss you

Text: Ady Pogar Studio: Rap Fame __________________________________________ Lyrics: Look, I am without you, girl, I'm without you in my world. Only you want to hear me, I said it, good bye baby You think you destroied me? No way. You gave up all what is good, I didn't say stay. You are only another girl, I don't miss you, I know now, even if you didn't say this is you. I didn't see you, so look at me, I forgot all what are you, a person without honesty. Girl, I will forget you, And cause you didn't say me you have a boyfriend. You miss me? I don't care, Man, this girl loves me, but I don't love her. You realised what you did was wrong, I give you a idea, don't listen this song. ______________________________________ #adypogar #romania #rapfame #romanianrap #hiphop #RomanianHipHop


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3 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

3 years ago

🔥🔥💯 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

3 years ago

Bars: Can improve 👏 Delivery: Can improve 👏 Impression: Can improve 👏

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